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Monday, March 26, 2012

Step-By-Step Imperial Guard Vehicle (Sentinel)

My Imperial Guard are a brown version of the Cadian Guard.  Just putting that out there before we get too deep into this and you're like "Wait a minute.  That's not the right color."

I don't know what to do about this new color range GW is bringing out.  I might have to put these Step-By-Steps on hold until I figure out what colors are equivalent and which ones aren't.  For now, the colors are the old ones.  I might post a few color comparisons when I get some of the new colors in, so we can all see just how they all line up.

Step 1: Basecoat
Also note, this model is magnetized.  I'll be showing the various weapons attached throughout the tutorial.

Step 2: Calthan Brown

Step 3: Dheneb Stone
Yay for patchy camouflage!

Step 4: Skull white
This was edged/drybrushed over the areas that were painted in Dheneb (except for the bone/skull parts).

Step 5: Kommando Khaki
Edged along the Calthan Brown parts.

Step 6: Boltgun Metal
All the mechy bits got coated, as well as a few strategically placed scratches and scuffs along the armour plates.

Step 7: Shining Gold
Autocannon bullets, aquilas, winged skulls, etc.  We are now ready for washes.

Step 8: Devlan Mud
This goes over all the brown, dheneb stone, and gold.

Step 9: Badab Black
This was applied to all the Boltgun Metal bits.

Step 10: Ogryn Flesh
For the little dude's face.

Step 11: Bleached Bone
This was a heavy drybrush along the skull to bring some color back.

Step 12: Skull White
A much lighter drybrush on the skull.

Step 13: Gryphonne Sepia
Applied to the sides and forehead of the skull.

Step 14: Enchanted Blue
This is the base color for the targeting lens and the pilot's visor.

Step 15: Regal Blue
Applied in the upper left area of the targeting lens and visor.  The white dot will go in this area later.

Step 16: Ice Blue
This was applied as a line along the lower area of the targeting lens and visor.

Step 17: Skull White
The light-reflection dot in the dark blue region of the targeting lens and visor.  While I had it out, I put the Company number on the side and painted the missile heads.

There we have it.  Let me know what you think.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Color Range

I'm sure most of you already know, but GW changed their colours.  New manufacturer, new formulas, new names.  I've included their conversion chart for you guys to reference, but I don't know how accurate it is.  Check out how the same colour is recommended for both Dark Angels Green and Orkhide Shade.  I'm skeptical.

I'll be getting some of these in the near future in order to test them out myself.  The next few Step-by-Steps will probably still use the old names until I figure out what matches what.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Test Model: Necron Cryptek

Here's what I'm thinking for Necrons.  I'm keeping the green energy effects, and I like the idea in the codex for the white faces (shown on lychguard) so much, I'm making it army-wide.  Bronze-rusty main body, aged cobalt-coloured embellishments.  The crystal sticking out of the snow is literally a snipped bit of sprue used to hold the Necron Warrior gun barrels.

Let me know what you think.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Step-By-Step Khorne Berzerker (Black Legion)

Wow, I've been gone for quite a while and haven't really made any progress in my hobby in the time gone. It's a real bummer, but life(read:work) got in the way. Sorry for that.

Anyways, Khorne Berzerkers. For those of you that know the various armies I collect, you'll know my Chaos Space Marine army of choice is Black Legion. This presents me with a bit of a conundrum when it comes to the god-specific units. I was never really satisfied with the idea presented in the codex of simply painting a shoulderpad of the originating faction's colors (i.e. a red shoulderpad for a berzerker). You can see what I've come up with for Tzeentch's Thousand Sons here: glowing blue sorcerous runes on an otherwise Black Legion scheme. While I haven't painted up Plague Marines yet, I have done a Nurgle Sorcerer where you can see how I'd go about it. Khorne presented a different kind of challenge where I couldn't quite figure out something that was fitting. Here's what I ended up with:

Step 1: Charadon Granite
As is typical with my Black Legion, the basecoat for their armour is done in Charadon Granite. 

Step 2: Fortress Grey
Edge the armour plates in this light grey.

Step 3: Boltgun Metal
All the non-gold metal bits.

Stpe 4: Badab Black
Put it on everything.  This is how I like black armour.  Having a base color that isn't quite black allows for some depth that you wouldn't get by simply edging on a straigh-black armour.

Step 5: Shining Gold
For that Black Legion flair.

Step 6: Mithril Silver
Drybrushed lightly over the gold bits, this will make the gold look a bit aged and worn.

Step 7: Vermin Brown
I used this on the tassel for the chain-axe, I would also use it for anything you want to appear as leather.

Step 8: Elf Flesh
Extremely light drybrush over anything based in Vermin Brown.

Step 9: Devlan Mud
This goes over anything gold and/or brown.  OK, the basics for our Black Legion scheme are down, now for the Khornate part.  In the end, I went with a simple option.  No runes, no markings... just blood.

Step 10: Blood Red
I got out a ratty brush and spotted blood red all over his front (very little on the back).  I focused on knees, hands, axe-head, face and shoulders.  I wanted a real visceral feel to this, as if they almost go out of their way to spray themselves with their opponent's blood, and never bother to wash it off.

Step 11: Scorpion Green
For the eyes.

I added a bloody hand print on his shoulderpad after watching Lord of the Rings.  Sauruman's Uruk-Hai did this on their faces in white paint, and it struck me as suitably barbaric that would be embraced by followers of Khorne.  Now, I chose blood rather than white, and not necessarily on his face, but the result is the same: a kind of self-applied war paint in blood is how he shows his devotion.  I'm planning on placing these hand-prints in various places on the squad members.  Can't have too much conformity ;)
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