Painted some more Imperial Guard minis in anticipation for the Battle Force box to arrive.
Say hello to my Company Comander, Colonel Jayson Marx. I love this Forgeworld model, he's awesome looking, and he even looks like he's giving out orders through an earpiece. Perfect.
I did order the Primaris Psyker model as well. His abilities seem awesome, though I'm debating between him and a Comissar Lord as a second HQ. Oh, well... I'll just collect both and play-test, that's always the best answer ;)
Welcome to the Cadian 221st, maggots!
Painted some more Imperial Guard minis in anticipation for the Battle Force box to arrive.
Say hello to my Company Comander, Colonel Jayson Marx. I love this Forgeworld model, he's awesome looking, and he even looks like he's giving out orders through an earpiece. Perfect.
I did order the Primaris Psyker model as well. His abilities seem awesome, though I'm debating between him and a Comissar Lord as a second HQ. Oh, well... I'll just collect both and play-test, that's always the best answer ;)