
Monday, March 12, 2012

Test Model: Necron Cryptek

Here's what I'm thinking for Necrons.  I'm keeping the green energy effects, and I like the idea in the codex for the white faces (shown on lychguard) so much, I'm making it army-wide.  Bronze-rusty main body, aged cobalt-coloured embellishments.  The crystal sticking out of the snow is literally a snipped bit of sprue used to hold the Necron Warrior gun barrels.

Let me know what you think.


  1. Looks good except for the glowing green snow crystal. I'd do the knee and ankle joins in a different shade for differentiation.

  2. Not sure I dig the bronze, but the paint work is awesome. I'm working on some LotR right now.

  3.  I think you're on to something there with the different shade on the joints.  thanks :)
