
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Grey Knights test-model

I know there's not much to a GK color scheme, but as is typical with me, I need to test it out on one model first before I apply to the lot of them. Expect a step-by-step soon.


  1.  I like it. A lot of Grey Knight schemes seem too bright or something. Yours has a look of dark metal. Me likey!

  2.  I like it, very nice metallic..not so much weathering as....natural look.  I'm a big fan of how that turned out.

  3.  I like him! everyone seems to be airbrushing their GK...glad to see some brush work. 

  4.  I love the darker metal look that you have going on here.It looks great. My only concern is that overall, it's a little dark. A whole bunch of them together may blend too much.. might want to add a little edge highlighting or something to help detail stand out in groups

  5. Trevor BettencourtJuly 6, 2011 at 11:38 PM

    I like the way you have done the power sword!

  6. I must say I love your grey knight step by step guide! I was just wondering what sort or painting did you do on the outer part of the shoulders guards as they look slightly gold-ish.

    Thank you so much for all this work!

  7.  Shining Gold, then a Mithril Silver drybrush (very light), then a Devlan Mud wash for all the gold effects.

    Glad you like them :)
