
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Community Spotlight

There's a lot of awesome stuff floating around the 'nets these days, and I figured I would shed some light in the direction of a couple blogs/projects that caught my eye in the last week. Might become a regular feature...
If you haven't already seen these, go check them out.

Over at The Inner Geek, Brian's been continuing his Titan building process. It's been fascinating to watch, and the details are glorious. if only I had enough disposable income to do that kind of thing myself... or a fancy top hat to pawn, as was the case with Brian, apparently. ;)

Adam over at Space Wolves is hosting a weekly web-comic, and boy does it look fantastic. The art style is quite envious (the artist is Nacho Fernandez -comic artist extraordinaire!). I've played with doing the occasional web-comic myself, but my style is not nearly as refined as his. Amazing work.

Jawaballs is in the process of making another life-size banner, this time for the guys at Hogs of War. Jawa's banners look amazing, and I've been considering commissioning one myself.


  1. Thanks for the plug! Now I'll have to update my blog for sure.

    A life size banner? You may be having to pawn your top hat too! But it might help JawaBalls get babyjawa a house with a yard, so I'd say let the hat go.

  2. I don't know if I can bring myself to pawn mine off. It looks too smashing. ;)

  3. The comic isn't actually by me, it's by Nacho Fernandez -comic artist extraordinaire! I'm simply the host :)


  4. Correction made :) I guess I can only say Thank You for hosting it. It's awesome.
