
Monday, July 14, 2008

Lava Basing

I have a big box of Chaos Daemons. They need bases. I've already learned the hard way to put a bit of thought into what I want on the bases before wholly gluing the models down (prying plastic Dark Angels off their bases so I can put a tiled floor down is taking me a VERY long time).

Anyways, what I wanted for my daemons is a scorched and cracked ground with a flow of lava underneath. What you see above is the final product. That is a thin (1/16" thick) disc of cork painted black, then drybrushed heavily with Bestial Brown, then drybrushed lightly with Bubonic Brown after I cut the "cracks." the yellow was painted directly onto the standard Base, so that it would show through. After the cork was glued down, I threw some red wash down in there, waited for it to dry, then retouched it with the yellow to brighten it back up.

What I wanted here was a good looking base that wasn't too big. With 5th edition hitting us this last weekend, and Line Of Sight rules changing to What You See Is What You Get, I need to be very conscious of adding any height to my models via the base. I found a cork sheet manufacturer who sold 1/16" thickness and I think it works it's magic without encumbering my daemons too much with the added height.

With that, I shall return to watching the clock until I can go home from work (my 5th ed. Collector's Edition rulebook arrived via FedEx while I was at work today. The waiting is intolerable. Patience is no virtue; it's a curse.)


  1. Nice tutorial on the lava base. The effect looks good (even if the pic is a bit blurry).

    Is it hard to mount the model to the cork? Won't it break or is the glue enough to hold everything in place?

  2. The glue alone seems to hold fine for the plastic minis at least. I haven't tested with any pewter ones yet. It might take some pinning.
