
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Company Master Revisited

Company Master Ammael, Keeper of The Watch
Power Weapon

I made a slight conversion since my first posting of the commander. Due to playing a few games, and liking the general ability of the Space Marines to be flexible tactically, I felt the need to equip him with a power weapon in addition to his Combi-Weapon. That combi-weapon is badass, by the way. Not only does it look truly pimp on the model, but that single Plasma Gun shot really comes in handy, especially when he's rolling deep with his Command Squad. There's another Plasma gunner in there, and the Apothecary has a Plasma Pistol. That's some serious damage. Overall, one of the best abilities he has is his Rites of Battle, where every marine on the field uses his Leadership. Outside of that, I want to make his role balanced. If I want to make a close combat juggernaught, a Chaplain is better suited for that.
...anyways, back to the sword; I'm sure some of you long-timers recognize it, especially if you share a fascination for Dark Angels, or even Chaos. It's the "Lion Sword" that is normally included on the Cypher model. I had been trying to figure out a way to include a Power Sword with the Commander model, but with his other arm cloaked, that left me with few options. Luckily, I had an old poorly painted Cypher model lying around to take apart. Keep your old models, people! One day in the future you'll be looking at a current model pondering conversions and think to yourself "I wish I still had that old model X, there was a piece that would have been perfect!" It happened to me. Once I realized I needed a sheathed sword, the thought was instant; Cypher's sword. I simply shaved off the spiky bits that normally adorn the sides to make it look less chaos. Also, I took his backpack for a current variant Chaplain that I'm working on. I plan on making 3 chaplains, depending on what I need from them. 2 are done, one more to go ... but that's a whole 'nuther post.


  1. I'm really impressed by how you managed to make the model NOT look cluttered, with all those weapons and the cloak and all.

    Is there any particular reason that Cypher's sword is called the Lion Sword?

  2. According to the fluff the sword is Lion El'Johnson's sword, which was broken and lost during the Lion's battle to retake Caliban from the traitor Luther.

    This is when The Fallen came to be. Cypher, one of the Fallen, is rumored to be taking this broken sword to the Emperor himself. Whether because he believes that by being in the Emperor's presence the sword will be fixed and the Fallen forgiven, or because he intends to kill the Emperor's mortal body with it... no one knows.

    Basically, though, Cypher is Target Enemy number one on the Dark Angels' list. If Cypher's mission succeeds (no matter which it is), the Dark Angels' mission of keeping their shame a secret from the rest of the Imperium will have failed.

  3. love it i gots like teh same army list as in the dark angels battle report.
